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My fair Lady
original soundtrack


LOEWE, Frederick. (compositeur) ; LERNER, Alan Jay. (librettiste) ; PREVIN, André (chef d'orchestre) ; HEPBURN, Audrey. (acteur-exécutant) ; HARRISON, Rex. (acteur-exécutant)



Bande originale de la comédie musicale de George Cukor.

Collation : 1CD

Durée en minutes : 73'

Matériel d'accompagnement : 1 livret

Notes de contenu : Why can't the english ?
Wouldn't it be loverly
The flower market
I'm an ordinary man
With a little bit of Luck
Just you wait
The rain in Spain
I could have danced all night
Ascot Gavotte
On the street where you live
The Transylvanian march
The Embassy Waltz
You did it
Just you wait
On the street where you live
Show me
The flowermarket
Get me to the church on time
A hymn to him
Without you
I've grown accustomed to her face
End titles - Orchestra
Exit music - Orchestra

Cote : ENM B-O


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote / Code barre Localisation Commentaire
1 000011728901 [disponible]