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Along the field, On wenlock edge, Merciless beauty, Ten blake songs, and other songs


VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, Ralph. (compositeur) ; AINSLEY, John Mark. (acteur-exécutant) ; The Nash Ensemble. (acteur-exécutant)



Collation : 1CD

Durée en minutes : 68'54

Matériel d'accompagnement : 1 brochure 11p, notes en anglais et paroles.

Notes de contenu : - Merciless Beauty
* Your eyen two
* So hath your beauty
* Since I from love
- Two english folksongs
* Searching for lambs
* The lawyer
- Ten blake songs
* Infant joy
* A poison tree
* The piper
* London
* The lamb
* The shepherd
* Ah, sun flower
* Cruelty has a human heart
* The divine image
* Eternity
- Along the field
* We'll to the woods no more
* Along the field
* The half-moon wester low
* In the morning
* The sight that heaves the grasses
* Good bye
* Fancy's knell
* With rue my heart is laden
- On wenlock edge
* On wenlock edge the wood's in trouble
* From far, from eve and morning
* Is my team ploughing ?
* Oh, when i was in love with you
* Bredon Hill
* Clun

Notes sur les interprètes : Johne Mark Ainsley (ténor) The Nash Ensemble [Leo Phillips (violon) - Elisabeth Wexler (violon), Roger Chase (alto), Paul Watkins (violoncelle), Gareth Hulse (hautbois), Ian Brown (piano)]

Cote : ENM Inst


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote / Code barre Localisation Commentaire
1 000012798001 [disponible]